Language Classes take place after school at Tomlinscote. These classes started in October, 2007. Below is information that you might find useful if you are enrolled on a course. If you think that you might be interested in starting a course in October 2008, keep an eye on this blog. Everyone is invited - people from the community, students, teachers and parents alike.Term 1 – week beginning 1st October 2007 to week beginning 10th December 2007
(half term week beginning 22nd October 2007)
Term 2 – week beginning 7th January 2008 to week beginning 31st March 2008
(half term week beginning 18th February 2008)
Term 3 – week beginning 21st April 2008 to week beginning 14th July 2008
(half term week beginning 26th May 2008)Courses do not lead to a specific qualification (except Japanese and Chinese, see below); emphasis is on practical use of language and conversation
French Teacher - Ms J Menon
German Teacher - Ms A Janssen
Spanish Teacher - Ms J Pascual
Italian Teacher - Ms J Pascual
Timings and venues of courses:-
French - Wednesday 5 – 6.30 Conference Room
German - Tuesday 4.30 - 6.00 Conference Room
Italian - Monday 4.30 - 6.00 Conference Room
Spanish - Monday 6.05 - 7.30 Conference Room
Beginners’ 2-year GCSE Japanese and Chinese courses, which run as follows:
Japanese Thursday 3.05 - 5.35 B1.6 Mrs Yoshiko Bransby
Chinese Wednesday 3.05 - 4.20 E2 Mrs Wenli Leighton
Friday 3.05 - 4.20 pm