Friday, 27 February 2009

Fliegerlied - So ein schöner Tag - Karneval Song

Tim Toupet - das Fliegerlied

Here's an example of a typical carnival song played at all the German Karnevalparties on Rosenmontag:

Tim Toupet, the singing hairdresser, with this absolute 'Ohrwurm'.

Can you resist the chorus? Heut' ist so ein schöner Tag! (Today is such a beautiful day!) Cheesy, or what?


  1. Brilliant! Thanks for posting this. My students learned part of this song on a trip to Germany last week, from the 4-yr-old daughter of the proprietor of our hotel. They'll love hearing it, and singing it again, on Monday!

  2. Thank you for your comment. Our students always appreciate comments from anyone that looks at our MFL blog.
