Friday 7 June 2013

Märchenwelten - Fairy Tale Day for Feeder Primary Children

43 children from Ravenscote (one of Tomlinscote's main feeder primary schools) have enjoyed a day of fairy tales and German. As this year is the 200th anniversary of the publication of the fairy tales collected by the Grimm brothers, the Goethe Institut have created Märchenwelten, an exhibition and range of events to explore these stories, relate them to today and learn German in the process.

Through Tomlinscote's Pasch-Partnership, the primary children were invited to travel to London to visit the exhibition and to listen to the story teller Katharina Ritter perform  die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (The town musicians of Bremen). The pupils watched film clips of stories like Rapunzel, der Froschkönig (the frog prince), Aschenputtel (Cinderella) and Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty) and completed various tasks around the plots and characters.

While they had to cope with a lot of German, the young linguists hugely enjoyed all the activities.
They also made a Schatztruhe (a treasure chest), practiced their speaking skills ordering 'Limonade' and tasted giant Brezeln, kindly provided as an additional treat!

Vielen Dank for a fantastic experience!

For more information from the Goethe Institut about fairy tales, read the original German texts or listen to the stories being told in German, follow this link:

Play a fairy tale game by following this link: You can choose the characters' roles - does the brave prince save the innocent maiden kidnapped by the evil stepmother and protected by the nasty dragon? Or does the brave princess rescue the dragon....? Have a look! You need to know a little German and it helps if you know some fairy tales, but it's weird and good fun!

with Katharina Ritter, the story teller from Germany
in the princess section of the exhibition!

at the exhibition
solving puzzles and finding clues at the exhibition

the big bad wolf!! 

some Schatztruhen

doing tasks at the work shop
decorating the treasure chests
Enjoying the Brezeln!
Alles klar!! A great day out!

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