Sunday, 20 July 2014

Tarte aux pommes!

Some of our Year 12 students worked on a different aspect of French/France. They put into practice their cooking and baking skills and made 'tarte aux pommes' and this very successfully as you can see.

Here is the recipe (in French and in English) if you would like to try. Remember to slice the apples very thinly and add a bit of butter and sugar on the top before putting in the oven. Enjoy.

Tarte aux pommes

Ingrédients :
150g de farine
Une pincée de sel
55 g de beurre
60 – 80 ml d’eau
4 pommes
3 cuillères à soupe de sucre

La pâte
a)      Versez la farine et le sel dans un saladier
b)      Ajoutez le beurre et le mélanger à la farine
c)      Versez l’eau petit à petit et mélangez
d)     En utilisant le rouleau, étalez la pâte, saupoudrez de farine afin que la pâte ne colle pas
e)      Beurrez le moule
f)       Déroulez la pâte dans le moule

Préchauffez le four à  220˚/ 7

a)      Pelez les pommes
b)      Coupez les pommes en quartiers
c)      Disposez les pommes dans le plat
d)     Saupoudrez les pommes de sucre
e)      Ajoutez 4 petits morceaux de beurre

Mettre la tarte au four et la laisser 30-35 minutes
Ingredients :
150g plain flour
Pinch of salt
55 g butter
60 – 80 ml water
4 apples
3 tbsp sugar

The pastry
a)      Sift the flour and salt into a bowl.
b)      Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
c)      Stir in water to bind the pastry.
d)     Roll out the pastry to a round slightly larger than the dish, put flour underneath so it does not stick
e)      Butter dish, spreading a little bit of butter
f)       Roll pastry around the rolling pin and then unroll over the dish.

Preheat oven to 220˚/gas 7

a)      Peel apples
b)      Slice them in a half moon shapes
c)      Place them on the pastry starting from the outside
d)     Sprinkle sugar on the apple
e)      Put 4 little pieces of butter

Put pie in oven for 30-35 minutes

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