Friday, 11 October 2013

German Exchange 2013 - Freitag - Ulm

On Friday, the group went to Ulm, another picturesque town in the region, featuring the Ulmer Münster, the tallest church in the world!  The group were first taken on a tour of the city, with some of the highlights being....

The group in front of the Münster just before the start of the tour.

The clock on the front of the town hall - among other features, there are all the signs of the zodiac.

Can you spot the sparrow?  The town symbol of Ulm - ask the students why this is!

Das schiefe Haus - The crooked house

How did we know this was the old bakery?  2 clues were the 'Bretzel' symbol above the door on the left and two baker's shovels above the right hand door.

After some free time, students were then invited to climb to the top of the Münster steeple.  Most of the group were up for the challenge.  The steeple is 161 meters high and students and staff had to climb 768 steps of a narrow spiraling staircase to reach the top level and enjoy the panoramic view over Ulm and the surrounding area. Shame the weather wasn't better, otherwise we could have seen as far as the Alps.

The dizzy heights!

They made it!  Despite some nerves at the first level, fears were overcome and the view from the very top was spectacular.

After all the hard work, a few pairs of wobbly legs and some sweets to re-fuel, some students were still able to jump for joy at their incredible achievement.  (You decide which photo is best....Miss Allen had some difficulties capturing the 'exact' moment!)

Some other highlights captured during the day.....

It just had to be done....why carry your bag up the stairs when there's a conveyor belt at the train station?

Our lovely tour guide who shared her wealth of knowledge with us on a cold and rainy morning.

The group all met their partners on our return to Wendlingen railway station, lots of tired but happy faces looking forward to the weekend.  Students will spend the weekend with their partners and host families, next update on the blog will be on Monday.  Schönes Wochenende!

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