Sunday, 16 December 2007

Student of the Month!

Very shortly, we will be introducing the Student of the Month award. So, if you have been putting a lot of effort into your work or you have been helping others in your class, your work/name might be appearing on this blog very soon!

German Exchange Application

All Application Forms for the German Exchange are now due in! Please remember to include the photo.

Bring them to the MFL office in B13 ASAP!

Friday, 14 December 2007

GCSE Mock Orals

GCSE Mock Orals are on 18th, 19th and 20th December. If you have forgotten what time you are due to arrive for the exam, the times are on the board in the B-corridor or you can call the school. Have you downloaded the MP3 files from the school website yet?
Good luck!

New MFL blog

Welcome to the MFL blog! It is still in the very early stages, but we hope to be up and running very soon. We will be placing important MFL letters and information on this blog, such as information on trips and deadlines for forms.