Sunday, 27 September 2015

FSM: Boulevard des airs - Emmène moi

Bonjour :)
cette semaine, je poste une petite chanson assez cool pour que mes collègues se remettent notamment de celle de Maitre Gims...
Can you spot some words that you may know?

Have a great week :)

Sunday, 20 September 2015

FSM: Coeur de Pirate

Bonjour :)

Aujourd'hui, c'est une chanson de Coeur de Pirate que je poste. Coeur de Pirate est une artiste québécoise.

The video is here.


Monday, 14 September 2015

FSM : Maître Gims - Laissez passer


Aujourd'hui, je poste une chanson de Maître Gims. Maître Gims est un chanteur très connu en France. Il faisait parti d'un groupe de rap. Maintenant, il fait une carrière solo.

Il porte toujours des lunettes de soleil, et parfois une casquette.

Il a sorti un nouvel album en France.

Monsieur Djuna, je m'inquiète pour ton avenir Monsieur le prof', tu ne connais pas l'avenir 
Il se peut qu'tes propres gosses écoutent ma 'sique 
Et qu'le 458 soit dans l'parking 

Monsieur Djuna, les papiers du véhicule 
Monsieur l'agent je ne possède que des tubes 
Il se peut qu'vous m'ayez flashé dans la ville 
Vous qui vouliez une photo pour votre fille 

Donc vas-y cause toujours, on s'en tape, tape, tape 
Vas-y cause toujours, on s'en tape, tape, tape 
Ouais vas-y cause toujours, on s'en tape, tape, tape 
Cause toujours, on s'en tape, tape, tape 

Laissez passer, je vais m'en occuper 
Laissez passer, je vais t'faire oublier 
Laisse moi m'en occuper, laisse moi te faire oublier 
Tout l'mal qu'on te fait, je serai ton bouclier 

More lyrics here

Have a great week! Passez une bonne semaine!

Mathilde :)

Friday, 11 September 2015

Multilingual UN refugee game

These days it's impossible not to see news of refugees fleeing their home countries travelling thousands of miles, crossing deserts and the Mediterranean sea to get to safety and a better life.
Have you ever wondered what it might feel like?
Follow this link to play a PC game where you get a glimpse-

Choose the language you are learning - there is French, German and Spanish as well as English.
Choose your character and follow the instructions! Feel the oppression in your home country and try to get to a land where you can get help! Learn about the difference between migrants and refugees! Experience the prejudice and difficulty in finding a job! Open your mind!

If you manage to get out of the dark town with the dog patrols let me know how you did it...

The game was created for the UNHCR - the organisation of the United Nations looking after refugees. If you're further interested in the topic, they have also produced an app called 'my life as an refugee'  which you could download following this link:

If you're studying languages at A-level you find lots of info in your target language on the home pages of the UNHCR:
Spanish :

Mit herzlichen Grüßen,
Frau Mahler

German song: Revolverheld - Lass uns gehen

As Mathilde is still busy with the French songs, here is a German one for the other half of the year groups: still very often on the radio: Lass uns gehen (Let's go) by Revolverheld

By the way: don't try that trick with the apple at home -
 even if it re-enacts the Swiss story of Wilhelm Tell...made famous through a drama by German writer Friedrich Schiller...

Here is a video with the German and English lyrics. Enjoy!

Monday, 7 September 2015

FSM - Brigitte

Bonjour à tous!

I hope you had an amazing summer break! And I think of you all, now that you're back to school. I'll carry on posting some French songs on this blog so don't forget to check it from time to time!

Here is a song that was played a lot on the radio this summer!

Keep practicing your French!
