Wednesday 19 December 2012

Christmas in Germany

Many people in Germany have an Advent wreath. German children receive an Advent calendar that has 24 doors. The first door is opened on 01.12. . You can find small surprises behind each door e.g. a picture, chocolate, sweets or small toys.
home made Plätzchen
People in Germany like to bake Christmas biscuits. They are called “Plätzchen” and we decorate them with icing sugar, jam, nuts or icing. There are also “Plätzchen” which contain marzipan. In Baden-Württemberg, people like a special kind of “Plätzchen”. Their name is “Springerle” and they taste of aniseed. We also like gingerbread and speculoos. Have you already seen them in English supermarkets? Families in Germany like baking Christmas biscuits together with their children. 

In Germany, Christmas markets are very popular. People like to go there to buy Christmas presents and to eat German food. There are sausages in different variations, e.g. „rote Wurst“ and „Currywurst“. If you prefer sweet food, you can also taste “Magenbrot” (a kind of gingerbread) and “gebrannte Mandeln” (roasted almonds).
Lebkuchen or gingerbread

Christmas in Germany is different from the English Christmas. In Germany, the an important day. This day is called “Heiligabend”. People decorate their Christmas trees shortly before or on the 24.12. . In the evening of the 24.12. families come together to celebrate. There is no special dinner for “Heiligabend”, but many families eat traditional dishes like sausages and potato salad. After the dinner families sing and play a musical instrument. Other families go to church and watch a nativity play. The church or the Christmas dinner is followed by the giving of Christmas presents. Sometimes a member of the family dresses up as Santa or all the family leaves the room with the Christmas tree and the presents are put under the tree by one family member.

In Germany, the 25th and 26thDecember are holidays. Christmas is often a family celebration. All come together and enjoy their Christmas meal. In Germany, poultry and other meaty dishes are popular for the Christmas meal. For pudding, people have e.g. baked stuffed apples or “Stollen”. “Stollen” is a popular Christmas “cake”. It is sweet and stuffed with glacé fruits but there are a lot of different variations. 
In some parts of Germany (e.g. Baden-Württemberg) the 06.01. is a holiday. It is called “Dreikönigstag”(=Epiphany). Between Christmas and Epiphany, carol singers go from house to house and collect money for poor people.

Merry Christmas!

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